I g l e s i a C a t ó l i c a R e i n a D e L o s Á n g e l e s
1001 Oakland Avenue East, Austin MN 55912
Website: queenofangels.church
Tel. (507) 433-1888 (English) or (507) 433-8474 (Spanish)
"The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament."
CCC 1601 by USCCB.org
Marriage is an intimate relationship of life and love. In order to assist you effectively and fulfill our pastoral responsibility towards you, time must be made to consider certain convictions. Values need to be clarified before couples may enter into marriage within the Catholic Church. As a faith community we have strong uncompromising commitment to permanence in marriage, total giving of self to the other, exclusive fidelity and openness to life.
There is surely an obvious need for Church involvement in marriage preparation with engaged couples to provide both spiritual and human enrichment. Out of this need Bishops of the Catholic Church have established policies for Pastoral Marriage Preparation. Engaged couples are required to receive a sacramental preparation comprising both formational and instructional sessions.
Ideally, programs of pastoral preparation should begin at least one year before the marriage date. Formational meetings are held with a priest or deacon. These sessions should help build the couple relationship, establish a relationship with the priest or deacon, and ensure that the couple intends what the Catholic church intends by the Sacrament of Marriage, so that the grace of the sacrament may bear fruit in the new life which begins on your wedding day.
Call Parish House for Preparation before setting a firm date.
"The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility; in Christian marriage they acquire a distinctive firmness by reason of the sacrament." Can.1056
"That Christian marriage (i.e. marriage between baptized persons) is really a sacrament of the New Law in the strict sense of the word is for all Catholics an indubitable truth."